Some New Podcast Recommendations

Over the last couple of months I’ve been listening to some great podcasts and wanted to share them with everyone. So here we go:


This is a great podcast for people who are interested in the small things, both in human behaviour and mechanical design that can lead to massive disasters. John Chidgey takes us through disasters as varied as the Challenger Space Shuttle, the Maccabiah bridge collapse, the Amagasaki train crash, and the BP Texas City explosion.

Chidgey gets into the nitty gritty details of why a disaster occurred, and his perspective as an engineer helps him bring an attention to detail and impassioned pleas for companies to avoid the failures he explores. I strongly suggest this podcast as a learning exercise for people developing systems great and small as a lesson on looking at all the details helps create a safe and productive system.


This is the newest fiction podcast I’ve added recently, and perhaps on of the most produced podcasts on this list! Dungeon Master Aram Vartian does a fantastic job surrounding his party with a fully fleshed out world completely of Vartian’s creation!

For any of the people who enjoy a good story with some unexpected twists (dice rolls can throw a wrench into any DM’s plans), enjoy other Dungeons & Dragons podcasts, or are an aspiring DM yourself, Godsfall is a great podcast to listen to.

Hidden Brain

This is actually the most recent addition to the list (and one I have binging on for the last day). Hidden Brain is a podcast that explores the ways our brains work, both consciously and consciously.

The first six episodes I’ve listened to so far have explored topics as diverse as fear, the effect that near victories have on us, and how stereotypes can help and hinder us in different situations. This podcast I’d probably recommend to anyone who interacts with people on a daily basis, but especially anyone who has a strong interest in psychology, especially social psychology.

The Journal by Kevin Rose

Although there has only been two episodes of The Journal podcast so far, I’m confident that Kevin Rose will continue to create great content on this podcast. The Journal podcast is an extension of his new The Journal monthly email (you can find the previous issues here) which he started a couple of months ago.

The first two episodes were about the best notebooks for writing and using the stress of extreme cold to improve our bodies. So it looks like it is going to be a quite eclectic series of topics. I personally think that this will be a good podcast for people who like to know a little about everything or are interested in hearing some interesting things to improve themselves in a variety of different areas.


Radiolab is actually a returning star. It sadly didn’t survive a podcast cull I did a couple of years ago, and until I listened to this awesome episode explaining what CRISPR is, I didn’t realise how much I had missed it.

So it’s been a while since I’ve listened to it so I don’t have an exhaustive list of recommendations, but the last episode it really good as well. I strongly suggest Radiolab to people who have an interest in the world and how things work, it’s a great storytelling based exploration of the world of science.

Well I hope you really get some value out of these podcasts, they’re all great so I hope you enjoy them!

If you’re interested in some of my other podcast recommendations, I suggest checking out this post I wrote a while ago going over my favourite podcasts, and this one more recently where I explored the podcasts that help teach me to be a better person.